... | ... | @@ -23,22 +23,23 @@ |
1. [Direct Mapping]: RDB to RDF Mapping
2. [R2RML]: RDB to RDF Markup Language
* [R2R implementations]:
* [D2RQ] (Java)
* [R2D2] (PHP)
* [OpenLink Virtuoso] (C)
* [RDF4J] (aka Sesame) + [r2rml-api-rdf4j-bridge] (Java)
* [Allegrograph] (Common Lisp)
* [MarkLogic] (C++)
* [D2RQ](D2RQ) (Java)
* [OpenLink Virtuoso RDF Views] [C]
* [R2D2] [PHP]
* [RDF4J] [aka Sesame] + [r2rml-api-rdf4j-bridge] [Java]
* [Allegrograph] [Common Lisp]
* [MarkLogic] [C++]
* SPARQL endpoint to query the data
* [OpenLink Virtuoso triplestore] [C]
### Web Server
* [Apache HTTP Server]
### Back end
* Python ([Django])
* Server-side JavaScript ([NodeJS] + [MongoDB])
* PHP framework ([Symfony] or [CakePHP])
* Python ([Django])
* Java ([JSF])
### Front end
... | ... | @@ -46,10 +47,13 @@ |
* [CSS3 framework] ([Bulma]) + CSS preprocessor ([SASS]/[LESS])
* [JavaScript] + [jQuery]
* Slippy Map ([OpenLayers3])
* Dynamic tables ([Datatables])
* Datepicker ([jQuery UI])
* Iconset ([FontAwesome])
### Dataviz
* [ElasticSearch] + [Kibana]
* [D3]
* [ElasticSearch] + [Kibana]
* [Jupyter]
### Continuous Integration
... | ... | @@ -74,9 +78,10 @@ |
[R2R implementations]:https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/Implementations
[rdb2rdf working group]:https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/
[openlink virtuoso]:https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/
[openlink virtuoso triplestore]:https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/
[openlink virtuoso rdf views]:https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/whitepapers/relational%20rdf%20views%20mapping.html
... | ... | @@ -94,7 +99,10 @@ |
[jquery ui]:https://jqueryui.com/
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