The ORGanelle ASseMbler
This is a BETA version. Do not hesitate to use it but don't be surprised if you find a bug
😃 We are modifying the command line user interface of the program, but the documentation does not yet reflect these changes Sorry for that
The ORGanelle ASseMbler aims to target the assembling of small sequences over-represented in a whole genome shotgun sequence dataset. Typically these sequences are
- The organelle genomes
- The mitochondrion genome
- The plastid genome for plants
- The nuclear rDNA cluster including
- the SSU (18S)
- the ITS1
- the TSU (5.6S)
- the ITS2
- the LSU (23S)
The organelle assembler can be installed on your computer following the instructions presented in the manual
You can find a simple tutorial explaining how to assemble a mitochondrion genome from a set of Illumina reads.
The complete manual is available here