ecotag blocked
Hello I ran ecotag and i don't know why it stopped to work after the 16.5% with a printed cache size. Here the code: ecotag -t /home/lt/TAXO/ -R TRNL\ DATABASE/renl_db.fasta Plate_9_uniq_c10_l80_ clean.fasta > Plate_9_tag.fasta Here the result: Reading taxonomy dump file... List all taxonomy rank... Indexing taxonomy... Indexing parent and rank... Adding scientific name... Adding taxid alias... Adding deleted taxid... Reading reference DB ... : 19083
Cache size : 1000000
Plate_9_uniq_c10_l80_clean.fasta 16.5 % |########- ] remain : 00:01:34
Thanks in advance. Luca Turolo