ecoPCR freezes without finishing.
Hi there.
I'm trying to run ecoPCR on a file of 4,987 unique sequences.
My reference database, generated from ENA, contains 20,926 sequences between 9-271 bp with a median around 50 bp.
The program freezes shortly after starting. The progress bar is stuck at 0.2% and the timer indicates that there is no time left until the program is done.
Looking at the activity monitor on my Mac though it seems to continue to run and to be using increasing amounts of memory (up to ~24 gigs).
Is it just too big of a job?
Everything seems to work fine when I query these same 4,987 sequences against a smaller reference database of 307 sequences.
Files attached.
Running: ecoTag -t Taxonomy.db/taxdump/ -R db_v141.fasta all_uniq.c10.l5.clean.fasta > all_uniq.c10.l5.clean.tag.fasta