Error in building the reference database
Thank you for the wonderful pipeline. I recently downloaded the EMBL release 138 dataset and was trying to build the reference database. But while running the command :
obiconvert --embl -t ./TAXO --ecopcrDB-output=embl_last ./EMBL/*.dat
I encountered an error. The last few lines of log indicating the error are as follows.
Error on sequence : EU394480
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/uramakri/mousumig/Softwares/OBITools/OBITools-1.2.12/export/bin/obiconvert", line 52, in <module>
File "/home/uramakri/mousumig/Softwares/OBITools/OBITools-1.2.12/lib/python2.7/site-packages/obitools/format/", line 371, in sequen
File "/home/uramakri/mousumig/Softwares/OBITools/OBITools-1.2.12/lib/python2.7/site-packages/obitools/ecopcr/", line 173, in put
File "/home/uramakri/mousumig/Softwares/OBITools/OBITools-1.2.12/lib/python2.7/site-packages/obitools/ecopcr/", line 141, in _ecoS
raise e
struct.error: cannot convert argument to integer
I am also attaching the log for the last obiconvert run. obiconvert.err
I would be quite grateful if someone could help me troubleshoot the error.
Thanking You
With Regards, Harsh