ecoPCR - Error 1 in file ecoIOUtils.c line 72 : Reading record data error
I am trying to run ecoPCR with the following command, but keep getting the error message Error 1 in file ecoIOUtils.c line 72 : Reading record data error
ecoPCR -d /path/to/latest/EMBL/release/143/embl_last -l 50 -L 150 -e 3 GGGCAATCCTGAGCCAA CCATTGAGTCTCTGCACCTATC > /output/path/embl_r143
My error output looks like this: Reading 2248872 taxa... No local taxon
Reading file /mnt/lustre/groups/arch-adna-2019/Metabarcoding_plants/ECODB/embl_last_001.sdx containing 15278 sequences...
Reading file /mnt/lustre/groups/arch-adna-2019/Metabarcoding_plants/ECODB/embl_last_002.sdx containing 15278 sequences...
Reading file /mnt/lustre/groups/arch-adna-2019/Metabarcoding_plants/ECODB/embl_last_003.sdx containing 199996 sequences...
Reading file /mnt/lustre/groups/arch-adna-2019/Metabarcoding_plants/ECODB/embl_last_004.sdx containing 199996 sequences...
Reading file /mnt/lustre/groups/arch-adna-2019/Metabarcoding_plants/ECODB/embl_last_005.sdx containing 199999 sequences...
Reading file /mnt/lustre/groups/arch-adna-2019/Metabarcoding_plants/ECODB/embl_last_006.sdx containing 0 sequences...
Error 1 in file ecoIOUtils.c line 72 : Reading record data error /var/spool/slurmdspool/job7728175/slurm_script: line 38: 23296 Aborted ecoPCR -d /path/to/latest/EMBL/release/143/embl_last -l 50 -L 150 -e 3 GGGCAATCCTGAGCCAA CCATTGAGTCTCTGCACCTATC > /output/path/embl_r143
I checked the embl_last_006.sdx file and it's 3GB in size. I also tried to exclude this file when running the command, but I get the same error message only with embl_last_007.sdx.
I would really appreciate any help on how to fix this issue.
Kind regards, Katharina