Question/issue/help with syntax for obiconvert of fasta file to a proper database format
I am just starting out with ecoPCR and wanted to use a large fasta file containing many sequences as my "database". I know that in the documentation it says "Filename containing the database used for the in silico PCR. The database must be in the ecoPCR format (see obiconvert)." What syntax does one use to convert a fasta file of sequences to ecoPCR database format/ ecoPCR format necessary. (I am unsure if you mean ecoPCR database or simply ecoPCR format, as it seems only ecoPCR database format is considered an output option according to the obiconvert page, even though the instructions say "ecoPCR format".) No matter what I have tried I end up unsuccessful. I have already tried asking others who are more knowledgeable than I and couldn't come up with the right syntax. If you could inform me as to what syntax to use in this matter I would be very appreciative.
Thank you!