# The PhyloAlps Project [Home](home) | [Data](data) | [Standards](standards) | [TNRS](tnrs) | [Model](model) | [Architecture](archi) | [Technologies](techno) | [User Profiles](profiles) | [Meetings](meetings) | [Biblio](biblio) ## Technologies ### Operating System * [NixOS] ### Data Management System * Small distributed relational databases: [PostgreSQL] + [PostGIS] * Mapping of relational data to [RDF]: * 2 W3C recommandations from the [RDB2RDF Working Group]: 1. [Direct Mapping]: RDB to RDF Mapping 2. [R2RML]: RDB to RDF Mapping Language * [RDB2RDF implementations]: | Name | Language | Mapping language | Licence | Last update | Comment | |---|:---:|---|:---:|:---:| --- | | [D2RQ] | Java | D2RQ mapping language | Free | 22.06.2012 | | [OpenLink Virtuoso RDF Views] | C | Virtuoso Meta Schema Language / R2RML | Free | 15.08.2018 | Mapping to external database only available in commercial version | [SPARQL Map] | Java | R2RML | Free | 31.08.2017 | | [R2RML Parser] | Java | R2RML | Free | 11.02.2016 | | [Ontop] | Java | R2RML | Free| 06.03.2018 | Exists as a Protégé plugin | | [RDF4J] aka Sesame + [R2RML API] | Java | R2RML | Free | 11.08.2018 | | [Triplify] | PHP | Direct mapping | Free | 05.03.2010 | | [rdb2rdf] | Python | Direct mapping | Free | 24.11.2014 | | [METAmorphoses] | Java | Direct mapping | Free | 07.02.2007 | | [R2D2] | PHP | D2RQ mapping language | Free | 01.10.2006 | * RDF triplestore and SPARQL endpoint: * [OpenLink Virtuoso triplestore] `(C)` See also: * *[What are the pros and cons of RDB2RDF tools?]* on Stack Overflow * *[RDF and SQL]* on Wikipedia * *[converter2rdf]* on the W3C wiki * *[Graph DataBase]* on Wikipedia * *[Knowledge Extraction]* on Wikipedia ### Web Server * [Apache httpd Server] * ~~[NGINX]~~ ### SSL Certificates * [Certbot] ### Back end * Python framework ([Django]) + WSGI server ([Gunicorn]) * ~~Server-side JavaScript framework ([NodeJS] + [MongoDB])~~ * ~~PHP framework ([Symfony] or [CakePHP])~~ * ~~Java framework ([Java Server Faces])~~ ### Front end * [HTML5] * CSS3 framework ([Bulma]) + CSS preprocessor ([SASS]/[LESS]) * [JavaScript] + [jQuery] * Slippy map ([OpenLayers3]) * Dynamic tables ([Datatables]) * Datepicker ([jQuery UI]) * Iconset ([FontAwesome]) ### Dataviz * [D3] for sets, graphs and tree structures * ~~[ElasticSearch] + [Kibana]~~ * ~~[Jupyter]~~ ### Continuous Integration * Build automation tools * [Docker] * ~~[Apache Maven]~~ * ~~[Apache Ant]~~ * ~~[Gradle]~~ * ~~[Bower]~~ * CI Server * [Jenkins] * [Travis] * [Buildbot] * [Strider] * [Gitlab CI] * [TeamCity] [NixOS]:https://nixos.org/ [postgresql]:https://www.postgresql.org/ [postgis]:http://postgis.net/ [R2RML]:https://www.w3.org/TR/r2rml/ [R2RML Parser]:https://github.com/nkons/r2rml-parser [SPARQL Map]:https://github.com/tomatophantastico/sparqlmap/ [Direct Mapping]:https://www.w3.org/TR/rdb-direct-mapping/ [rdf]:http://rdfs.org/ [RDB2RDF implementations]:https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/Implementations [rdb2rdf working group]:https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/ [D2RQ]:http://d2rq.org/ [r2d2]:http://aksw.org/Projects/R2D2.html [METAmorphoses]:http://metamorphoses.sourceforge.net/METAmorphoses_processor/ [openlink virtuoso triplestore]:https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/ [openlink virtuoso rdf views]:https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/whitepapers/relational%20rdf%20views%20mapping.html [ontop]:https://github.com/ontop/ontop/wiki [rdb2rdf]:https://pypi.org/project/rdb2rdf/ [triplify]:https://sourceforge.net/projects/triplify/ [rdf4j]:http://rdf4j.org/ [r2rml api]:https://github.com/R2RML-api/R2RML-api [allegrograph]:http://franz.com/agraph/allegrograph/ [marklogic]:http://www.marklogic.com/ [What are the pros and cons of RDB2RDF tools?]:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45476632/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-rdb2rdf-tools [RDF and SQL]:https://www.w3.org/wiki/RdfAndSql [converter2rdf]:https://www.w3.org/wiki/ConverterToRdf#SQL [graph database]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_database [knowledge extraction]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_extraction [nodejs]:https://nodejs.org/en/ [mongodb]:https://www.mongodb.com/ [django]:https://www.djangoproject.com/ [gunicorn]:https://gunicorn.org/ [symfony]:https://symfony.com/ [cakephp]:https://cakephp.org/ [java server faces]:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/javaserverfaces-139869.html [html5]:https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/ [css3 framework]:https://www.keycdn.com/blog/front-end-frameworks/ [bulma]:http://bulma.io/ [sass]:http://sass-lang.com/ [less]:http://lesscss.org/ [javascript]:https://www.javascript.com/ [jquery]:https://jquery.com/ [jquery ui]:https://jqueryui.com/ [fontawesome]:https://fontawesome.com/ [openlayers3]:https://openlayers.org/ [datatables]:https://datatables.net/ [elasticsearch]:https://www.elastic.co/ [kibana]:https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana [d3]:https://d3js.org/ [jupyter]:https://jupyter.org/ [Apache httpd Server]:https://httpd.apache.org/ [NGINX]:https://www.nginx.com/ [certbot]:https://certbot.eff.org/ [Jenkins]:https://jenkins.io/ [Travis]:https://travis-ci.org/ [Buildbot]:https://buildbot.net/ [Strider]:https://strider-cd.github.io/ [Gitlab CI]:https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ci/ [TeamCity]:https://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/ [Docker]:https://www.docker.com/ [Apache Maven]:https://maven.apache.org/ [Apache Ant]:https://ant.apache.org/ [Gradle]:https://gradle.org/ [bower]:https://bower.io/