Incomplete plastome
Dear all,
I am using the last version of ORG.asm on Illumina 4000 PE reads (150 bp long). The software seems to work perfectly since no error message appeared. However, only a little fragment of the chloroplast genome is generated in the unfold graph step. This is quite surprising because other software produced a complete genome using the same data and some genes such as rps7 have a huge coverage during the probe matching step (> 6000x) but are not in the little scaffold produced. I tried this version of ORG.asm on old data (Illumina 2500, PE reads, 100 bp) that were assembled with ORG.asm 0.2 and it worked perfectly. It looks like the new data are problematic but i can't figure out why. Does anybody had similar troubles ? In attachment, is the copy of the terminal. Thank you in advance, Jean orgasm_terminal.txt