error message in obicomplement
Hi, on the obitools version obitools-v1.2.11, I get the following error message when running obicomplement:
$ obicomplement locDB_Funguy2019.fasta > locDB_Funguy2019_RC.fasta locDB_Funguy2019.fasta 57.8 % |############################| ] remain : 00:00:00 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bioinfo/src/OBITools/obitools-v1.2.11/venv_obitools-v1.2.11/bin/obicomplement", line 58, in writer(seq.complement()) AttributeError: 'obitools._obitools.AASequence' object has no attribute 'complement'
The output however does not seems corrupted or truncated. Any idea of what would be the problem here? thanks. Lucie